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Romantic English

Breaking Cover by William J. Shayer RE943370

Breaking Cover by William J. Shayer RE943370

Regular price $250.00 USD
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Here we have an exhilarating depiction of a pivotal moment in the sport of foxhunting—William J. Shayer's "Breaking Cover"—capturing the very heartbeat of the chase. The painting draws us into that breathless second when the hunters, having tracked their quarry through the dense woods, finally burst out into the open, hounds leading the way with wild excitement.

The central focus is, of course, the huntsman atop his bold chestnut steed, both captured mid-action. The rider, dressed in the classic scarlet hunting coat, exudes confidence and readiness, his grip firm on the reins, body tilted slightly forward in anticipation of what lies ahead. His expression is one of keen determination, every fiber of his being attuned to the thrill of the hunt. The coat flares out behind him, catching the wind, adding a dynamic sense of motion to the scene. His tall black riding hat and neatly polished boots reflect the discipline and tradition that underpins this exhilarating sport.

The horse beneath him is nothing short of magnificent. This chestnut beauty, painted with a stunning richness, practically pulses with energy. Muscles tense, nostrils flaring, the animal’s front legs stretch forward as it propels itself over a rise in the landscape, clearing a hidden obstacle with ease. Shayer has captured the animal’s power and grace with such care—the sheen of its coat, the strength in its hindquarters, and the arch of its neck all suggest a creature at the peak of its athleticism, fully in sync with its rider.

To the foreground, a pack of hounds bursts forward with electrifying energy. Their bodies are low to the ground, sleek and determined, their focus entirely on the scent of the fox. One can practically feel the ground beneath their paws trembling as they dart forward, their white and brown coats flashing against the darker tones of the foliage. Their eager expressions and the way they strain toward the open field ahead convey their instinctive drive, the heart of the hunt itself. Shayer has captured their frenzied motion beautifully, creating a sense of chaos and excitement that adds texture to the otherwise controlled movements of the horse and rider.

The background of the painting tells its own story. The dense woodland through which the hunting party has just emerged is a dark tangle of trees, bare branches clawing toward the sky. The foliage is thick, the shadows deep, evoking a sense of mystery and wildness. Within these woods, we can just make out other riders—clad in red, partially obscured by the trees—still navigating their way through the cover, adding a layered depth to the composition. The contrast between the shadowy woods and the open expanse of sky and field in the foreground is masterfully done, giving the viewer a sense of relief and freedom as the hunters break free of the forest’s grasp.

Above, the sky is painted in soft, atmospheric hues—a pale blue tinged with grey, with streaks of clouds moving across the canvas. A few birds scatter in the distance, disturbed by the commotion below, adding to the sense that nature itself is reacting to the hunt’s momentum.

What makes this painting so compelling is its depiction of movement. The viewer is not a passive observer but is pulled into the very heart of the action, feeling the rush of wind, the pounding hooves, the barking hounds. Shayer has brilliantly captured that fleeting moment when everything converges—the hunt, the thrill, the breaking of cover—and placed us right in the midst of it.

The composition is fluid, drawing the eye from the hounds at the front to the rider and horse, and then back into the depths of the woodlands where the rest of the hunt unfolds. It’s a painting alive with energy and movement, but it is also grounded by Shayer’s meticulous attention to detail—the textures of the landscape, the sheen on the animals’ coats, the nuances in the play of light and shadow.

This is not just a portrayal of a sport; it is a celebration of tradition, camaraderie, and the bond between man, animal, and nature. Shayer’s "Breaking Cover" is a snapshot of a timeless ritual, alive with drama and excitement. One can almost smell the earth, feel the crisp air, and hear the sounds of the hunt reverberating through the countryside. Quite captivating, wouldn’t you agree?


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